Friday, April 1, 2011

Week 2 day 5

I've got something shiny and bright and new in my garage, and no I'm not talking about my new car! I've got me a new barbell and some bumper plates to play with too! Sadly I'm equally as excited about this new purchase, it's like my quiver of bikes. Anything that is related to health and fitness is always a good buy in my book! Plus what else am ingoing to do on a Friday night other than:

20 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of 5 hand stand pushups, 10 deadlifts at 65%, 20 air Squats and 30 ab mat sit-ups? Sounds like a damn good time to me!

I completed 5 rounds and got to the deadlifts of a sixth. I had a good time playing with my HSPU's but am no where near negatives Josh and I threw the bumpers against the wall for a go, no dice. Did most on the floor to 90 degrees. Head rush!

I love my dog cheering me on and I love the plethora of faces I make when I CF!

Deadlifts are getting better, I tend to loathe them as most people know. It's clicking, I am looking forward to working these a bit more...

We did a bad thing again tonight and followed the AMRAP with a TT swim and I had a raging headache. There is a reason they say 3+ hours between CFE WOD and CFE endurance. I'll learn eventually.

I'm starting a nutrition challenge this weekend, think I'll toss the gluten and grains and dairy and all that like all the cool kids are doing. Help a sister out will ya?

Until tomorrow...happy training!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. FREAKIN' AWESOME!! Oh, man, we can't wait to have our garage gym. I think about it daily!

    Good luck with the nutrition challenge! What are you guys doing for protein since you're nixing grains (and legumes?) - soy, fish? Keep me posted on all this fun stuff!
