Last week was too brutal to even bother typing. Relatively this week sounds "fun"
Tuesday April 26th
run time trial - 5miles for time (warm up with a good 10+mins of running and dynamic stretches) then go for it. rolling hills course if possible?!
crossfit = 5rounds for time: 7pushpress (65lbs); 14pushups, 21dble unders or (21tuck jumps)
Wednesday April 27th
swim interval - 8x75m on 90'rest; warmup with 200m free, 200m pull, 100m kick with fins then some 50's where you build speed. focus on good form and strong effort each 75.
crossfit strength = 5,3,3,2,2,1 deadlift. take no more than 2mins bw each lift. warmup well and focus on good form, strong core, squeeze glutes and good finish! BREATHE
Thursday April 28th
bike interval - 5x5k with 3mins easy spin in bw each one. 5k effort is progressive - start each one around 75% and build up!
Friday April 29th
swim tt - 18mins for distance. warmup well a good 500-600m include some fast 25's, then go!
crossfit = version of games open workout #2. deadlift9, pushup12, boxjump15 15min amrap. you choose your weight on deadlift but go for at least 65-75lbs? no higher than 95. box = 20inches
Saturday April 30th
run interval - 2x(2mile hard effort 5mins recovery) then 3x(1/2mile hard effort, 2mins recovery) - warmup with a good 8mins of easy running and dynamic stretches. good form!
crossfit = 4rounds (10pistols each leg - modified off bench is fine, 12pullups, 15swings)
Sunday May 1st
bike tt - 25miles for time. warmup well and then go for it! choose a strong pace to start and challenge yourself to hold it. :)
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