To be honest I am scared, but not the "I don't know if I can do this scared" there's a big difference. Old Jen was unsure and feared those kinds of things. I CAN do this, I won't be broken, I am just scared of how badly it will hurt.
Josh and I ended this week with a series of CFE strength WODs, swim TT's, hard run intervals and a 40k bike TT. One of the CFE strength WOD's called for an AMRAP of pull ups and we were getting sick of having to wait for each other so we made our own that we can share. For what they say "those who do pull ups together, stay together". Wait, that's not the saying? Well it should be ;)
Donut got a head pat after someone chalked up! ;)
We also got a little stupid and took 800meter run intervals to the trails. The trails were calling my name and the dogs needed some off leash running. Each run interval called for 20 burps at the end. That was so cruel. But you make do on the trail ;)
I also mentioned that I have revamped my diet, purely from a recovery standpoint. All I care about now is "will whatever I put in my body help my next workout?". I cannot even begin to explain how my body feels after some of these heavy lifting WODs and then I am expected to go run hard intervals, or even bike a time trial later that day. My only chance is that my fuel and sleep are allowing my body to support this training. I have done well with zone eating but have decided to go paleo for the benefits of decreased inflammation. I have a tendency to gain upwards of 5+ pounds when I lift heavy. Or run, bike long or hard. My bodies inflammatory response is insane. I'll carry excuse water for muscle repair for days. I don't need food that triggers extra inflammation, so bye bye dairy and gluten, sugar, etc. Most know I am vegetarian but do eat seafood on occasion. I'll use eggs and seafood and hemp proteins as my main source and veggies and fruits, nuts and seeds. That's it. Simple. Easy, clean.
Breakfast - cauliflower rice and eggs
Lunch - shrimp and guacamole lettuce wraps
Dinner - tilapia tacos
Breakfast - paleo pancakes (coconut flour and eggs with pureed blueberry)
Snack - ingredient for pumpkin brownies, homemade sunflower seed butter
Post workout I am eating coconut water, berries and hemp protein, pre will be eggs and an apple or fruit. During longer workouts I carry dates or other homemade energy foods like those found in Brendan Braziers Thrive Diet book.
Tomorrow is a rest day, glorious glorious rest day. There's Fran on my schedule this week...sigh...
Happy training!
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Looking good guys. Good luck Dad