Tuesday April 12th:
- run time trial - 20mins. warmup well with a good 10mins including running & dynamic stretching
- crossfit = 6rds for time - 5deadlift, 8burpees, 11boxjumps (deadlift = 65% 1rm
Wednesday April 13th:
- swim interval - 4x200 with equal rest. try to keep your 200's within 5sec of each other. warmup well with 500m swim/drills
- crossfit strength = 5x3thrusters - warmup with some front squats and lighter thrusters, then go for a big number… reach 80%max?!
- bike interval - 8x(1mile hard effort, 1min easy)- warmup with 15-20mins easy riding with some pickups. ride rolling hills if possible.
Friday April 15th:
- swim tt - 12mins for distance. warmup with a good 800m, include some fast 50's.
- crossfit = 3rounds for time (8front squats 65lbs, 15kipping pullups, 400mrow)
- run interval - 4x1mile repeats with 6mins rest. if you can - get outside - warmup well, run 1mile (rolling hills) with hard effort, rest, repeat!
- crossfit = 12min amrap (5toes to bar, 10pushups, 15kbswings, 20squats)
- bike tt - 35miles - warmup well with 10-15mins include some 45sec fast pedals. hydrate and nutrition (at least 250cal/hour) :)
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