Saturday, February 20, 2010

Plan C

We are fortunate to live somewhere that no matter the time of year you can train outdoors. Yes, even in the summer (get up early - or in our case have nice light systems for night training). However, in the rare case that Plan A and Plan B fails, you always have to have that Plan C in your back pocket so your training can stay on track.

Plan A - Train outdoors on the many roads, trails, and lakes that we have:
Where we swim (Butcher Jones Cove)

A few of the MANY places we ride

And many beautiful places to run:

Plan B - Train at gyms, pools, at night with headlamps and bike lights.

Plan C - Josh and I are not afraid of a little rain, in fact running in the rain is alot of fun, biking 4-6 hours in the rain can be trying especially when you have a 3 hour run or long swim lined up in the schedule as well. OR if you get home VERY late and need to get a HILL run in and can't get back up to the trails. Well, then that's where Plan C comes to the rescue:
Home setup:

Treadmill: Great for late night hill repeats, always a last resort though.

Computrainer: OK cannot say this is a last resort as it has REAL added training benefit. This is your typical bike trainer, but comes with computer software to provide resistance to the trainer to mimic actual bike courses. Of course we have the Ironman St George course, along with the real course video. It's taken over our office/ dining room for now. But eventually we'll integrate it into our "gym."

Riding the computrainer is not so bad. You can view your power output, MPH, spin scan analysis, profile and the course on the computer on the right, and watch TV, DVD's, play XBox, etc on the Monitor in the middle. HECK whatever it takes to make it FUN! :p We are MAJOR dorks, we know.'s raining...and it's windy. Not a good combo for a 5 hour bike. Sounds like a Plan C day.


  1. I am starting to really like plan C.

  2. Meet me at the north east end of the bridge at midnight. Happy new year.

  3. I love that set up! There's not too many days that we are forced indoors here. I posted something similar in my blog recently, posted pictures of my training locations :-) Great brick yesterday! You guys are awesome!

  4. Oh Yes! We would love for you to come check out FINS. JT goes with his friend to another whole new set of trails that leads from your neighborhood over into the Estrella regional park, they rode 2.5 hours the other day. I'm just a beginner but I can tell I'm going to love the MTB. Maybe when IM training is over, you guys can comeout and spend the day here and we'll show you the trails :-) We could ride, run and EAT!

  5. Plan C does sound like the most fun on a day like that.
