Saturday, March 6, 2010

Run for Ryan House

Less than 60 days until Ironman! Training has ramped up significantly and we continue to find ways to keep it interesting and purposeful. Today we did the Run for Ryan House Half Marathon:

Every stride will benefit Ryan House, the first of its kind in the Southwest that will provide respite and palliative care for children with life-threatening conditions in a home-like setting.

Not only a GREAT cause but a perfect training run for the IMSG course as the elevation profile and gain is almost identical! The course climbed a good 1200+ feet through the beautiful backdrop of the McDowell Mountains in North Scottsdale.

Our plan called for a 3 hour run today so we ran 2 miles before the race, and I ran 1 after (I think Josh did more). Lined up at the start about 10 minutes before. The run started at DC Ranch, a beautiful community, we have ridden bikes here plenty and knew from those rides it would be a hilly run.

The goal of this run was to practice Ironman marathon pacing and keep the heart rate in low Z1-2. I did a great job of this and have to admit it was the smartest race I have ever run. I didn't let the atmosphere get in the way of my goals as I knew if I pushed too hard on this course I would pay dearly in the days to come. With big swims and rides on the backend of this, I couldn't risk big recovery.

The course climbed steadily for the first 6.5 miles, I felt phenomenal. Maybe this "training" stuff really pays off. :) When we turned onto Happy Valley Road we were met with a steady headwind and a large, long climb. I tucked in behind someone larger than me and met his stride. My goal was to hang onto a 10:30 pace on the long uphills, and run 9:30's back for a net pace of 10:00 flat. I was pacing perfectly to plan and keeping within my heart rate goals. I followed my pacer until the turnaround at 6.5, I passed him on the downhill and he said "you're welcome!" HA! He knew I was drafting him. :p I told him I would buy him lunch at the end! Once again, I smiled at my smart tactics (staying out of the wind) and enjoyed the tailwind and the LONG downhill all the way back!

I was careful to take on nutrition throughout the run as well. Normally up to a half I can sustain on just water. This time I traded off between H20 and Accelerade. This works well for me. The last aid station the sun had come out and I was feeling thirsty so I took both, nope, that doesn't work for me and I ran the last mile with a nasty side stitch. Oh well, thats what training runs are for - to learn pacing, nutrition, etc.

Came into the finish, saw Josh and a bunch of adorable kids handing out medals. Came in at 2:08 which means I paced a net average of 9:45 ish so I was a little faster than plan but considering how I felt it was a success. Not a PR race, but that was not the intention. I think with hills like that, and having to do it 2X for IMSG I will be happy pacing closer to 10:30-11:00 for the marathon. Then again, that will be on legs that just biked 112 hilly miles too. :p

If you want to be successful, it's just this simple. Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing.
Will Rogers


  1. Great job Jen and Josh! Way to run smart and get a solid training run in. I will have to remember that 1/2 marathon for next year, sounds like a good one! Keep up the great work you guys, you are looking super for IMSG :-)

  2. Sounds like a great race. Love, Barbara

  3. You are my hero!! I LOVE YOU!!!!! WUUFF WUF!!
