Friday, January 22, 2010


Fact: Not all workouts are glamorous, especially when training for an Ironman. First you must be asking yourself what is a "glamorous" workout. To me it is one where one of 3 things happen.
  1. You visit or discover a beautiful place.
  2. You push your body to its physical limits.
  3. You train with no pain.
I feel lucky that for me I am able to accomplish the goals above to make most of my workouts glamorous. Case in point trail running at Usery.
It is beautiful:
Running on the "soft" surface rarely leaves me in pain.
Very often though during training we have those workouts that just don't fit that bill. Thankfully I am becoming ok with that. 1 hour on the trainer in heart rate zone 2 certainly does not fit any of the billing above. Then what is the point? It helps mentally: being on a bike trainer for an hour straight staring at a wall or some mundane TV show is the epitome of being bored. A bike is made for travel and adventure. There are times though during an Ironman distance race that takes well over 10 hours that it is going to be boring. This is training me for that. It helps aerobically: during a long race you have to learn to pace yourself. What feels easy, what feels hard? In order to intimately learn that you must fully experience all levels of exertion. So it is not glamorous and it isn't really fun to be honest, but it is needed and I accept and understand you boring training.
~ Josh

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