Monday, November 24, 2014

Numero Tres? Ironman Canada

It feels like I am writing this blog as a whole different person.  I peruse these pages and I hardly recognize the two people in them, the voice behind the words.  It feels as though I have lived a lifetime in-between.  And yet, it still leads back to here...another Ironman. 

Why Ironman Canada, I thought you wanted something flat?  I do, I did...well, yeah I still do!  But as soon as we remembered Ironman Canada had moved to Whistler we were kind of hooked.  Remember the story of our ill-fated honeymoon trip to Whistler?  Yeah well this is our redemption!   So romantic.  It's kind of our jam to do these Ironman races as anniversary trips (our 9 year anniversary was IMCDA).  We promised ourselves a lifetime of adventure together...and with bears on the run course this is sure to continue that promise!

Oh hai!

So training start December 3 with our build up to the LA Marathon.  And as this blog is aptly called "The Ironman Experiment" I will be experimenting with a few things this go around:
  1. Continue to utilize Crossfit Endurance Training Protocol
  2. Use power training on the bike
This is my third time at the big dance.  I don't get to just "show up" this go around. 

So December 3rd, let's do this...

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