Sunday, June 12, 2011

2 weeks til The Dance

I fly with the stars in the skies,
I am no longer trying to survive,
I believe that life is a prize,
But to live doesn't mean you're alive.

Leave it to me to start a blog with Nicki Minaj lyrics. ;)I've been toying a lot lately with inspiration. When you're tired, and been training for weeks it is easy to lose sight of the WHY (hence my absence from blogging) but I am not lacking in motivation nor inspiration of late. This race and this training has all become for a purpose. For someone who truly lived life to the fullest, my grandmother - Beverly Noltner. Her passing on May 23 hit me hard. I was surprised actually at how much it affected me. She had been battling ovarian and peritoneal cancer for 5 years so to say it was unexpected would not be a true statement. But that doesn't make it okay.

She was the epitome of what I strive to be: strong, "sporty" classy, smart, love the outdoors and her family, strong and good morals and a positive influence on all those around her. I look to her life as to what I strive to be: healthy, fit, beautiful, never complaining in the face of the worst odds, fighting, not just trying to survive but thriving.

She took my brother and sister in like we were her true grandchildren (we were technically step but i consider them my grandparents) and never missed a birthday, graduation, wedding, or important event in our life. She provided wonderful summertime memories for us and taught us so many important life lessons.

Some photos from my recent trip to WI to her memorial my family is so fun:

Welcome to Wisconsin:

My dad gets OUT in drive thrus! :

Here's my grandmas black bear! Lauryn liked him:

Look how classy these boys are, Grandma would have been proud!

How lucky was I to spend my summers here!?

Ok so we have some great stories about the leeches in this lake, Ryan and i would get them stuck to us and throw them on my sister Tiffany while she was in the shower (we were so mean) but my little sister Lauryn didn't like them on her so much! ;)

YouTube Video

So this is why I have changed my entire perspective on this race. It's not about goals, or trying to make a time or beat a person. It's about going out there and bringing awareness to the cause of The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. I have no doubt that I will push harder than I ever have in a race, she would have. This woman shot and killed a BEAR while going through chemotherapy I think she would expect me to kick some butt! So I will, for her and for all of the other women that are enduring their own epic battles. And I will continue to honor this woman and others as I race for Team Hope in upcoming triathlons.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for donating to the cause. Please stay tuned for upcoming fundraisers (have some cool stuff planned). And as Promised I will be sure to update on how "The Experiment" turned out. :)

Fundraising Page for Ironman - Exceeded my Goal Thank you!!!
Ironman OCRF fundraiser

Fundraising Page for SheROX - Oct 16, 2011
SheROX fundraiser for OCRF

The Ironman ExperimentTraining
Training has been about the Same we WOD 4 days a week and sbr 2x2x2. The swim bike run got longer as expected. we had our longest run this Monday. It was super hilly and very hot. I feel proud of how I ran it. I think this pic of Josh about sums up how it felt at the end:

Long bikes have been around here, either to Fountain Hills, the Usery area or on the good ol Computrainer to get a feel for the course. The course is not going to be easy and require patience on a good series of steep, short hills. I like having the course knowledge without actually having been there. For some of our higher intensity interval rides I have been out on the trails. :)

I keep saying I am going to add up all the damn burpees, box jumps, kb swings, Squats, etc I have done in this training. It seems never ending. And lately, the toes to bar seems all-to often. I find myself wondering why some of these movements make an appearance on the plan so frequently, but I just "trust the plan!"

And this about sums up how I feel!


But so excited. Ready!!!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. HA! That expression on Lauryn's face in the vid is PRICELESS. Leeches are "aaaah!"

    What a memorable and admirable tribute to Grandma Noltner's inspirational life. Great job on exceeding your goals for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation!

  2. I love the "layed out" pics that always seem to come after a tough workout. Sounds like you guys are doing awesome, see you soon!

  3. Congrats on the PR, in reading your post I saw your pull up rig, can you tell me more about it? What size pipe, how did you anchor it? Is it stable for more than one person at a time?
