Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 7 Plan

Week of May 2nd

run time trial - 10miles (warmup well with 10mins of running/drills) then run strong for 10miles. get hydration/nutrition in!
crossfit = 12min amrap (8power cleans, 10wallball, 8toes to bar) - powercleans = 65 to 70lbs, no wallball? do tuckjumps. lmk what weight works!

swim interval - 15x50 on the 90's warmup well with 500-700yds including some fast 25's
crossfit strength = warmup to find a good weight for backsquats (5reps) then go: 5rounds of (5backsquats, 8pushups, 20dble unders)

bike interval - 1mile hard effort, 1min rest; 2miles hard effort, 2mins rest; … up to 5miles hard effort. warmup well & be strong with intervals!

swim time trial - 1200m for time; warmup with some fast 100's and drill work.
crossfit = tabata something else (20:10 x8 for pullups, pushups, situps, squats)

run interval - 6x800m on 3mins rest (warmup with good running and dynamic stretches, etc)
crossfit = 8min amrap (8thrusters 65lbs, 10kb swings, 8halfburpees) - halfburpee = pushup position, jump feet in and out and do a pushup - no sta

bike time trial - 60k TT - warmup with 10mins of easy to steady efforts - ride rolling hills and practice nutrition/hydration plan. stay focused!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Long time no blog - week 6?!

I think the last time I really blogged was end of week 4. Week 5 was such a doozy, we were just keeping our heads above water. I felt really proud of my training that week but it left little time for anything other than, eat, SLEEP, work, train. Some of the highlights of that week:


8 mile time trial run, Instead of long runs at planned marathon pace we run as hard as we can for shorter distances. Our stupid neighborhood doesn't allow for easy routes either. With roads named:

You pretty much get rolling hills. So I was pleased to stay high 8's for my pace considering the CF WOD that day was something leg heavy. I am getting used to the schedule of a tough Tuesday WOD followed by a run TT in the evening.

The rest of the week consisted of the usual WODs, swim and bike intervals. I got to revisit my favorite lift from Fight Gone Bad, the Sumo Deadlift High Pull (i kid, me and anything deadlift are not friends) but i enjoyed the WOD and felt very comfortable with the RX weight:

This must have been round 5-6 of an AMRAP, you can tell it's starting to hurt!

capped off on Sunday with a tough 50 mile bike tempo ride it was super windy as it usually is here in the spring so we took to the pain cave and our favorite torture device, the Computrainer!

Survived the ride considered pre- race fueling was spot on. :p it was Easter so we went to The Sanctuary for a scrumptious brunch. Yes it was a cheat day and NO THIS IS NOT PALEO! I was so sick, and I only had a bite of each...sugar hangover!

Post ride I was right back on track with celery sticks, almond butter, coconut flakes, goji berries and cacao nibs:

I realized midweek this past week my wallet was missing, Josh and I looked and and could not find it. Just to give a glimpse into the mass chaos that can be my life THIS is where my wallet was located:

See the little bit of blue in the stack of Honey Stinger Waffles? Josh loves those things for long rides and I have NO CLUE how my wallet got put in a stack of them in our pantry. Really? Losing it...

So Mondays are our rest days, this last week I think I pulled a 12+ hour day at work on Monday which was a bummer it threw this week off because I really need the recovery. This was the first week in training I had to play a little rearrange with CFE and CF WODs just to get it all in. It's a balancing act but you figure it out. So it's been more stressful than usual but am glad it was a recovery week (reduced distances) when things get tough, and they inevitably do - I have a tendency to get easily frustrated. I am proud that I put my head down and got it done, but I cannot say this last week was as enjoyable.

This about sums up how I feel:

I did have deadlift PR that lifted my spirits! DLs have been the bane of my CF existence since I started. I just could not get the form and feel down so I would not increase my weights until I knew it was RIGHT, well it's finally clicking and I was able to put some weight on the bar! To the tune of a 20 pound PR!

We followed deadlifts with our usual late night swim. We swim at our local club pool and usually wait until the last hour before the pool closes to squeeze in our swims! :p not that we don't love swimming, it's just not something I am highly motivated to do.

The rest of the week is a blur, I'm getting through but my focus may be lacking. Just being real. yesterday's run was brutally difficult and I just wasn't able to dig deep like I have been. I need to recenter, refocus and revisit my goals. I have to be honest, it's hard to give this 100% everyday and CFE requires that. I like that and thats what I want. Thats what I strive to do.

"It is astonishing," says Dr. Theodore Cuyler, "how many men lack this power of 'holding on' until they reach the goal. They can make a sudden dash, but they lack grit. They are easily discouraged. They get on as long as everything goes smoothly, but when there is friction they lose heart. They depend on stronger personalities for their spirit and strength. They lack independence or originality. They only dare to do what others do. They do not step boldly from the crowd and act fearlessly." -- Orison Swett

I'm holding on.